Saturday, November 19, 2011

The New York Chronicles Pt. 2: The Boys!

During my stint in NYC, I got to ogle and drool over my two most favorite things fashion and BOYS! They were everywhere, duh. (This is New York.) Did I mention a lot of them were hotter than the Alabama sun in August? Like the great Calvin Harris said, "I like all the girls." However, it this case, I like ALL THE BOYS. All of them. Cuteness knows no race or style (sometimes).
Now, everyone in New York has their own style, but there are still those few who practice that individualism within a genre...a fashion genre if you will.
So, I observed many a guy, and I've compiled a list of my favorites. Note that not every New York male fits into these "genres." There are still some guys that are just normal. Whatever that means.

Now, let the list commence.

Hip-Hop Hipster

Snapback? Check.
Skinny jeans? Check.
Retro/Specialty sneakers? Check.
These are the type of guys who frequent Supreme or
Urban Outfitters in search of quirky t-shirts.
They're usually pretty young, like high school young.
However, they sure can wear those jeans.
Example used: The Cool Kids. 

Man Fashionista

He's so chic. He dresses way better than you
and anyone you know. He looks like he just
stepped off the runway. He even walks like he's on a
 runway. You kind of love to hate this guy.
This guy may come with a man-bag, and you're
never sure if he's gay or not.
Example used: Trussardi-1911

The Standard Hipster

Note: Hipsters may vary, so I picked the one I saw the most. However, a hipster male can always be found in Williamsburg and identified by his flannel.

This is your standard hipster.
He has facial hair.
He has a skull cap.
He has a flannel shirt.
He will always have that discerning look
as if he knows everything, and you know

The Hampton Look

It's like the preppy look, but with a little more douchebag
sprinkled in. Think of Chuck Bass walking the streets of 5th Ave
near Bergdorf's always on his iPhone with his polished hair
and pastel duds. Of course, he has amazing bone structure,
and he probably models for fun because he's too rich for a job.
Yet, you still want him because of all the above reasons.
Example used: Spurr Spring/Summer 2010 

Chic Punk

His favorite band is The Ramones or The Clash.
His hair is perfectly a mess. His Doc Martens are
fresher than the day he bought them, and he hates
everything. He's dark yet stylish. His jeans cost a fortune, but
his shirt came from the Goodwill. He's the bad boy that coordinates.
Example used: Baliman Spring 2011

So many guys, so little time. I can't wait until my next trip!


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